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The Book Fairs, held twice a year in Bergerac are central to our fundraising efforts. We sell second hand books of all genres in English, French and Dutch. We also sell CDs, DVDs, vinyl, and have a large bric-à-brac stall and a delicious selection of sandwiches, cakes, pastries and hot and cold drinks. 

These activities are undertaken by the Book Team. 25,000 books are available at each fair! This is a a year-round sorting process at our Bergerac depot. The books are quality controlled and prepared for sale, and those that cannot be sold are recycled. There is another team of volunteers that collects donations from a wide area and delivers them for sorting.

Please help us  become a volunteer in these three main areas:


Fair Volunteers

We always need more volunteers to help us at fairs and to continue raising funds for animals in distress. You can: prepare and run the book fairs; install, operate and clear away stalls, lift and shift and van drivers, caterers and bakers. Contact Sandra at:

Donations Collectors

We receive donations of books over a wide area using a network of volunteers. The work is flexible and are eligible for tax credits to subsidise kilometrage. This work is essential to supply books for the fairs. Please contact:


Book Sorters

Throughout the year there is a group of volunteers working behind the scenes to ensure everything in a presentable condition for the book fairs. Sorting is on Fridays at our depot in Bergerac. Please contact Sandra Hall at:




If you wish to donate books, CDs, DVDs or records to us, this can be done in one of three ways:


  • Bring them with you to a book fair. Please ensure they are either boxed or in shopping bags.

  • Take them to our depot in Bergerac on one of the days we are open for sorting. Check our contact details below for timings.

  • If you cannot take your donations to either a fair or our depot, please contact the Book Donations Team via the email above. 


Your support is invaluable, but please take the time to read and understand the following:


  • The aim of the Phoenix Book Fairs is to raise money for our own activities and other animal welfare organisations by selling books that have been donated to us.


  • It takes a lot of time to sort the items we sell and to prepare for each Fair. Any item not in a saleable condition has to be disposed of and this detracts from our main objective. Please follow the guidelines below:

  • Please assess your books and ask the basic question: would you buy them?

  • Any book that has the following faults will be discarded as unsaleable:

    • Torn covers or missing/damaged pages

    • Misshapen

    • Ingrained dust, brown spots/patches or discolouration on the outside or edges

    • Have patches of mould or a musty smell


Packing books in bin bags causes irreparable damage!



The Depot is at 43 Rue Rodolph Bruzac, 24100 Bergerac. General enquiries should be sent to


If you wish to donate books, and wish to know how best this can be done, please contact our donations coordinator at

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